Technology for providing remote psychophysiology treatment / training.

Advanced Solutions in Biofeedback & Lie Detection Technology

Pioneering Remote Biofeedback Solutions - Revolutionizing the way biofeedback therapy is delivered, BioSignals introduces cutting-edge technology that enables effective, remote biofeedback treatments, ensuring accessibility and convenience for both practitioners and clients.


Your therapeutic objectives will be collaboratively set by you in partnership with your therapist, ensuring a personalized approach to your treatment journey.

Instead of one-on-one therapy that limits the therapist to provide a service to a limited number of patients, the therapist can now provide service to dozens of patients simultaneously without having to be with them in real time online. The therapist sets up his virtual clinic, updates all his treatment protocols and multimedia content that contains all the same materials he passes on to the patient in personal care and on the basis of his virtual clinic can provide his treatments without quantitative limitation and without having to meet patients face to face.

Our Counselors

At BioSignals, our counselors embody both passion and empathy, dedicated to enhancing lives daily. They are motivated by a commitment to assist individuals in achieving a higher quality of life and greater happiness.

Our Mission

Our vision at BioSignals is to bring professional and effective solutions within everyone's reach. We are committed to ensuring that our services are not only top-quality but also affordable and convenient. This way, we aim to support individuals facing life's challenges with the help they need, whenever and wherever they require it.

Our Support

BioSignals is dedicated to providing exceptional support. Our team is always ready to address any inquiries and swiftly solve any issues you might encounter. Feel free to reach out to us anytime!


A psychologist, therapist or personal trainer, can supply it's services remotely.
Transforming Therapy with BioSignals: Empower your practice with our innovative ‘One-to-Many’ treatment approach. Our technology allows therapists to simultaneously provide high-quality care to a larger number of patients, breaking free from the traditional one-on-one limitations. Embrace the future of therapy, where distance is no barrier to effective treatment, and expand your reach without compromising on personal care. BioSignals redefines remote healthcare with its innovative solution, seamlessly integrating advanced sensors and hardware. These devices effortlessly connect users to our cloud-based central system, enabling diverse therapeutic treatments right from the comfort of home. This state-of-the-art approach ensures clients receive personalized biofeedback therapy and other treatments, no matter where they are, bridging the gap between technology and wellness.


BioSignals’ software is versatile, functioning effortlessly on both Android smartphones and Windows-based computers, ensuring accessibility and ease of use across different platforms.

The Market

BioSignals’ advanced system offers a broad spectrum of treatments, utilizing sophisticated sensor technology. This technology reads and analyzes physiological data from clients in real-time during treatment sessions, enabling a responsive and personalized therapeutic experience

Hardware devices

BioSignals enhances its service with custom-developed hardware. These components are designed for precision, capturing and relaying detailed physiological signals from clients directly to the central system. This approach ensures highly accurate readings, essential for effective and tailored treatment experiences.

Database Logic

At the heart of BioSignals’ innovative approach lies our central system, a fusion of expert systems, bespoke treatment protocols, and intelligent AI. This sophisticated core not only analyzes treatment data in real-time but also adapts future therapy plans based on individual progress. It’s a dynamic, responsive system designed to optimize treatment outcomes, ensuring every client benefits from a personalized, data-driven therapeutic journey.

DataBase Contents

BioSignals’ central database is a hub of virtual clinics, connecting therapists with their clients in a seamless, digital environment. Each client receives tailored treatment, aligned with either a well-structured serial protocol or a dynamic approach that evolves with their progress. This system ensures personalized care, matching each individual’s needs with precision and adapting to their unique healing journey.


BioSignals’ range of products is available for both individual therapists and end-users through online retail platforms. Additionally, the company caters to commercial clients with options for bulk purchases, broadening accessibility to their innovative solutions.

BioSignals' product lineup includes an advanced polygraph software, seamlessly integrated with a specialized range of their own hardware. This software is tailored to work in unison with BioSignals' equipment, providing an all-encompassing, state-of-the-art experience in polygraph testing.